With over twenty-three (23) years’ in the construction industry, Sheldon’s range of experience includes: the provision of civil, structural and architectural detailed construction drawings for the private and commercial sectors as well as two (2) years’ in the energy sector producing detailed structural drawings for fixed offshore platforms. He has provided detailed construction drawings for a broad spectrum of projects in both structural steel and reinforced concrete. Some of these projects include building structures such as: multi-storey commercial buildings, warehouses, schools, hospitals, residential buildings and non-building structures like; cell towers; offshore platform modifications, jetties and marinas. He has also prepared civil works infrastructure drawings for land developments, road layouts and recreational facilities. Sheldon has extensive knowledge of various software packages such as AutoCAD for generating detailed 2D drawings, CADS RC for preparing bar bending schedules, CADWorx and REVIT for 3D modeling. He is also capable conducting site inspections as a QA/QC technician having served in that capacity on several occasions locally and regionally. In keeping with the company’s mandate, he is also the holder of a PLEA passport.